Essential Items for Locum Vets in the UK
Its always daunting walking into a new veterinary practice as a locum vet or RVN, but your first week will run a lot smoother if you’re prepared with these essential items!
Its always daunting walking into a new veterinary practice as a locum vet or RVN, but your first week will run a lot smoother if you’re prepared with these essential items!
As a lover of both wildlife and sunshine, Katelyn chose to end her veterinary studies with a month volunteering in the Galapagos. We sat down one evening after a long day in the clinic, to talk about her experiences at Darwin Animal Doctors.
Volunteer in Puerto Ayora in the Galapagos Islands as a vet or vet nurse with the team at Darwin Animal Doctors.
As a young vet or RVN looking to locum for the first time, it can be hard to know where to start when creating your own limited company. To save you the steep learning curve that I went through, this article outlines all the basic steps and considerations to incorporate your own company, while keeping it relevant for British veterinary professionals.
As a future locum vet or vet nurse, you’ll need to decide whether you’d prefer to work under an umbrella company, or start your own limited company. Here’s the run-down on what that means for you.
When I moved to the UK in 2016, finding work as a vet was one of my biggest concerns- but now as a locum, I do it all the time! Here’s my approach to job-seeking in the veterianry industry!
Now you’ve got all the basics down for moving to the UK, its time to start the ball rolling on the specific stuff you’ll need to do to work as a Vet or Vet Nurse- from registration to insurance and professional associations, its all covered in this post!
With its high salaries and great standards of patient care, the UK is a great place to work for Vets and Vet Nurse. But moving to a foreign country is a huge undertaking- so, get advice from a vet whose already done it!
Finland may have been named the world’s happiest country, but whats its really like to work as a veterinarian in such a unique and chilly part of the world?
Fundació MONA is a charity-run sanctuary for chimpanzees and macaques that have been rescued from the illegal exotic pet trade or the entertainment industry. I sat down with three of their volunteer keepers- Sally, John and Sarah, to hear about what its really like to be a primate keeper.