
Destination: Europe

Discover articles, interviews and guides from veterinary professionals who work and volunteer in Europe, including the UK.

Continental Europe, Ireland and Iceland

5 puppies jump up against the gates of a clean enclosure in the snow in Sofia
Volunteer Organisation Profiles

Animal Rescue Sofia, Bulgaria

Animal Rescue Sofia cares for the stray unwanted animals of Bulgaria. Discover what its like to be a volunteer and find out how you can get involved.

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Three juvenile seals look closely at the camera
Volunteer Organisation Profiles

Seal Rescue Ireland

Interested in Marine Conservation? Find out all you need to know to become a volunteer with Seal Rescue Ireland, a charity that rehabilitates orphaned seals

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A bike path cuts in between the yellow autumn trees in a swedish landscape
Global Vet Interviews

Vet in Sweden: Interview with Magda

Sweden is known for being pretty progressive, but can the same be said of its vet clinics? I sat down with Magda to discuss the cultural, legal and social aspects of her work as a Vet in Sweden.

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A chimpanzee sits balanced at the top of a huge wooden climbing frame
Volunteer Experiences

Volunteer Interview: Primate Keepers in Spain

Fundació MONA is a charity-run sanctuary for chimpanzees and macaques that have been rescued from the illegal exotic pet trade or the entertainment industry. I sat down with three of their volunteer keepers- Sally, John and Sarah, to hear about what its really like to be a primate keeper.

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United Kingdom

A carved wooden dog statue in front of a wooden builing with the sign Many Tears Animal Rescue
Volunteer Organisation Profiles

Many Tears Animal Rescue, Wales

Share my experience volunteering as a vet with Many Tears Animal Rescue in Wales, a shelter providing medical treatment and socialisation to unwanted pets before they are rehomed.

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A streetvet looks fondly at a stffordshore terrier sitting in the street with its owner
Volunteer Organisation Profiles

StreetVet UK

Make a difference to Britain’s homeless population and their pets by hitting the pavement with StreetVet. Find all the details here.

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A signpost points out a walking path between the heather in front of a tall scottish hill
Guide to Overseas Vet Work

Starting your own Limited Company as a UK Locum Vet

As a young vet or RVN looking to locum for the first time, it can be hard to know where to start when creating your own limited company. To save you the steep learning curve that I went through, this article outlines all the basic steps and considerations to incorporate your own company, while keeping it relevant for British veterinary professionals.

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You are here image with a woman smiling in blue scrubs holding puppies


I’m Kat!

I’m an Aussie veterinarian who travels the world, volunteering, working and meeting other vets, vet nurses and animal-lovers along the way.

My goal is to show you how you can do the same.

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