International Vet Nursing

Our industry could not operate without the incredible Veterinary Nurses and Vet Techs who work and volunteer around the globe.

Check out all the articles that focus on Vet Nurses below- and if you’re a travelling vet nurse yourself- I’d love to hear from you!

International Vet Nurse Volunteer Opportunities

Ready to volunteer as a vet nurse or vet tech?

The following charities offer volunteering opportunities to qualified vet nurses in exciting corners of the globe:

Articles for the Runaway Vet Nurse

Vet nurses are valued across the globe- but the profession is not universally regulated, and goes by many different names and levels of qualification.

Find all my articles about the differences in international vet nursing below, as well as some interviews with the awesome vet nurses who have made travel part of their career.

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I’m Kat!

I’m an Aussie veterinarian who travels the world, volunteering, working and meeting other vets, vet nurses and animal-lovers along the way.

My goal is to show you how you can do the same.

Click here to learn more about getting started!


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